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Avalon's Web Page

Warmblood  : :  Female  : :  Young

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About Avalon

  • Status: Available for Sponsorship
  • Species: Horse
  • Current Age: 21 Years (best estimate)
  • Location: The Okay Corral
  • Owner Experience Needed: None
  • Reaction to New People: Friendly

6/13/15 Avalon is doing great out in our Big Pasture

This wonderful horse is looking for a monthly sponsor through our Shiloh Samaritan and Pasture Pals Sponsorship Programs. Repeating or one time sponsorships appreciated!

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2/1/15 Avalon is doing great with her friends in the Big Pasture. Thank you to Avalon's longtime sponsor, Heidi Waber- we appreciate your support so very much!

7/22/13 Avalon is fat and happy with her friends in Big Pasture. She is such a sweetheart! 

04.12.13 Sweet Sanctuary Horse, Avalon out in the Big Pasture. He is looking great ...

12/21/12 Avalon out in the Big Pastures on a cold December day.

9/1/11 Avalon is looking very well out in the Okay Corral.

4/22/10 Avalon is still staying fat and healthy out in her pasture, but her nuerological condition is progressing and you can now see how unstable she is by noticing her stance in some of her photos.

11/25/09 Avalon is looking great, but it seems her neurological problem is progressing. She drags both hind legs now and is pretty wobbly.

8/4/09 Avalon has returned to Shiloh for financial reasons. She looks great and is as sweet as ever. We will be re-evaluating her for re-adoption. She is so sweet and friendly, she deserves to get tons of attention and love.

3/6/08 Great news as Avalon has been happily adopted by a wonderful Family from Pahrump, NV! Her new owner is a 16 year old girl who will love and spoil her new friend, Avalon! This is a great match and we are all very happy!

Avalon is looking for a home of her own! She is still being evaluated, but she is sweet and willing. Although she is young, she is level headed and has good manners.



Avalon was a "dummy foal" when she was first born, her brain was deprived of oxygen for a few minutes until she was resesitated by a vet who found her lying in the mud. It is believed that because of this, she had developed some slight nuerological problems at an early age. Her former owner had a surgery performed on her when she was very young to fuse some of her vertebrae to help give her some stability. The surgery was a success and she is sound and healthy today. But, because of this and her young age, she needs a light rider in a light pleasure type riding home. No jumping, etc- just fun light trail riding, arena work, etc. She will continue to gain strength as she matures and really should not suffer any problems in the future.

Avalon is a very sweet young mare, loves attention and people. She will make someone a wonderful friend and riding companion. She gets along great with other horses and animals.

Avalon is a very sweet young filly who was donated to Shiloh. She is three years old and has been started under saddle and has been ridden on trails.

She has some nuerological problems that will limit her ridability, but she should be capable of light trail riding (walk, trot). She will be evaluated later for possible adoption in the future.

Sponsors: Heidi Waber July 2013 Heidi Waber June 2013 Heidi Waber May 2013 Alexis Phillips 1/5-112, 2011

Special Needs: in rehab

Other Pictures of Avalon (click to see larger version):

Avalon Avalon Avalon Avalon
Avalon Avalon Avalon Avalon
Avalon Avalon Avalon Avalon
Avalon Avalon Avalon
