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Ciento's Web Page

Thoroughbred  : :  Male  : :  Senior

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A very sweet older TB who is blind in one eye.

About Ciento

  • Status: Available for Sponsorship
  • Species: Horse
  • Current Age: 39 Years 8 Months (best estimate)
  • Location: Easy Street Pasture
  • Owner Experience Needed: None
  • Reaction to New People: Friendly
Please consider donating to become Ciento's Guardian Angel or Cherub:


2/1/15 Ciento is doing great living with his BFF Frisco

8/4/13 Ciento is living a great horse life in our Oldies but Goodies senior pasture and is part of our Guardian Angel Program.

08/30/12 Ciento (right) with best friend Hoops in Okay Corral.

08/16/12 Older Sanctuary Horse Ciento and his pal Hoops enjoying dinner together.

06/21/12 Ciento having a drink on a warm summer day...

8/21/11 Ciento having breakfast with his herd friends in Easy Street.

7/27/11 Ciento is having a nice horse life with his friends in Easy Street.

9/6/10 Ciento is nice and fat and shiny. He loves to be groomed!

7/23/10 Ciento is doing great!

3/17/10 Ciento is doing well in Assisted Living with his pal, Sweetie (a special needs mare). He is keeping his weight up.

5/9/09 Ciento is happy out in his pasture with his best friend, Lovely. He is sound and healthy and enjoying his horse life at Shiloh. A real sweet guy!

2/21/09 Ciento has entered Shiloh's Sanctuary where he will live out his life.

11/22/08 Ciento has gained enough weight to move out into the Big Vacation Village pasture. He is much more comfortable on his front legs and likes to trot around his big pasture. He is doing really well!

Ciento on 6/30/08

6/23/08 Rescued from the livestock auction in Fallon, NV. He is an older Thoroughbred gelding with horrible front legs. It looks like he had some suspensory ligament and tendon injuries. The long trip home on the trailer was hard on him. He was very sore. He does have a racing tattoo. We saved him for $100 hence the name Ciento which means 100 in spanish.

More about Ciento

Good with Dogs, Good with Kids

Sponsors: Kelly Green July1-7, 2012 Kelly Green 6/20-6/27, 2011 Kelly Green 1/7-1/14, 2011 Kelly Green 11/22/10-11/28/10 Kelly Green 9/8-9/15, 2010 Kelly Green 6/27-7/11, 2010 Kelly Green 5/18-5/25, 2010 Kelly Green 4/1-4/7, 2010 Kelly Green 3/16-3/23, 2010 Kelly Green 2/5-2/12, 2010 Kelly Green- 12/20-1/3/10 Kelly Green- 11/20-11/27, 2009

Other Pictures of Ciento (click to see larger version):

Ciento Ciento Ciento Ciento
Ciento Ciento Ciento Ciento
Ciento Ciento Ciento Ciento
Ciento Ciento Ciento Ciento
Ciento Ciento Ciento Ciento
Ciento Ciento Ciento
