About Fame |
- Status: Adopted!
- Species: Horse
- Current Age: 16 Years (best estimate)
- Location: Bungalows
- Reaction to New People: Friendly
03/24/12 Fame has gotten smart and has figured out a way to save some hay for later! :o)
01/19/12 Fame waiting for breakfast in the Bungalows.
12/17/11 Fame was worked with- Jill is in the process of working on a progress video for her...
10/12/11 Fame has really filled out and is actually moving sound on her leg. When she arrived she had a fracture in her forearm that had not been set- we just gave her time to let it naturally set as she was still very young. We weren't sure what her prognosis was going to be but it has healed remarkably well and she is actually looking for her new home and should be able to have a full future. She is just over 2 1/2 years of age now and should be given extra time to allow her bones to mature before she is actually started. She will do best in a pleasure riding home- she loves attention and is very friendly.
10/12/11 Fame is actully looking for her new home- this little filly has really healed very well and is now moving sound on her injured leg. Because of her history, she will do best in a pleasure riding home, no jumping or hard riding- and she should have some extra time to let her bones mature before she is really started. Fame is very friendly and loves attention and should be able to go on to a useful and full life. Fame does need more work with the Farrier- she is sweet about everything except the farrier! She just needs more time and attention- she is willing and learns quickly.
8/28/11 Fame was the Rescue Horse of the week. GO HERE:
2/5/11 Fame is doing really well, in fact as she matures and grows, her leg is looking more and more normal. It is possible that her young age may overcome her leg problem and when she is older she may be able to have a full and useful life. That would be wonderful for her!
9/8/10 Fame is doing very well, filling out and growing like a weed! She is still very sweet and easy to handle.
7/10/10 We have been treating Fame for a chest wound that she got when she played aropund when the farrier was working on her and she reared up against the fence. It was a clean deep cut which we cleaned and stapled. It is healing well and she is feeling great.
4/22/10 We did have Fame's shoulder x-rayed a few weeks ago. She definately had a break in her elbow area which was never set. She also has epiphisitis in her affected knee, which is inflammation of the growth plates. She is now on a lower protein diet, which will help with the epiphisitis and we are going to just allow her to enjoy a good horse life at the rescue. 3/2/10 Fame is doing well, she is very sweet and is best friends with Marley. We will have her leg x-rayed next week on our vet day.
Arrived at Shiloh on 2/4/10 from the Fallon feedlot where she was saved for $150.00.
She is very sweet but has an injury and/or deformity to her shoulder. We will eventually have her x-rayed.