Welcome to Shiloh Charitable Trust!

Facilities Photo Gallery

Video's/Photos of some of the Facilities at Shiloh:

Note: All of our areas have multiple shelters, every animal at Shiloh has access to shelter/shade. 

shelter 1

One of Little Vacation Village's shelters 

shelter 2

A Duplex Shelter 

shelter 3

One of the Gummies' shelters

The Barn

The Mare Motel

The Bungalows

The Hospice Area on 9/19/08

Two of our turnouts/arenas

The Big Vacation Village Pasture on 9/19/08. One of the senior pastures.

The Big Pasture on 9/17/08

Assisted Living Pasture, a smaller pasture for elderly horses who need extra senior feed.

Our Boarder Pasture, most of the Boarded horses at Shiloh Ranch are in here. 

The Cuckoo's Nest Pasture on 9/25/08

Isolation pens

Our Isolation Area on the very far side of the ranch. All horses are isolated for at least 30 days upon arrival at Shiloh.

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08.30.12 Big Pasture

08.30.12 Okay Corral

05.05.12 Boarder Corner

04.30.12 Gummies

04.30.12 Little Vacation Village

04.30.12 Mesquite trees

04.28.12 Big Pastures

03.19.12 Big Pastures

03.19.12 Big Pasturs on

03.19.12 Okey Corrals

01.23.12 Sun rays over the barn

01.10.12 Gummie Saloon

01.10.12 Little Vacation Village

Big Pastures December 2011

Frosty Mesquite tree

Winter at Shiloh

Fog in the foothills

Big Pasture October 2011

Big Pastures

Medical Unit

Okey Corral

Okey Corral

Big Pasture

Assisted Living

Little Vacation Village

Camp Run-a-Muk

Barn aisle

Hospice area

Hospice area

Cloud's Leap

Shiloh's Pastures

Secret paths

Horse paths

Horse paths


Plan from the air

Rescue side from the air

Boarder side from the air

Mesquite trees from the air

Pastures from the air

Rescue side of the ranch

Cloud's Leap

Assisted Living pasture

Boarder's Arena

The feedroom

Mare Motel

Graveled roads

Graveled roads

The Boarding Corner

New Arrivals corrals

Big Pasture

More pastures



Daily Turn Out

More pastures

Mesquite trees


The Barn
