The Fallon, NV Auction 6/21/08
It was a very big auction with over 400 horses run through! They had only expected around 100 horses, so it was a very, very long day. The prices ranged from over $1,000 for a registered well broke riding horse to $25.00 for yearling fillies run through loose at the end. The average price for a nice riding horse was about $400.00, so the prices were a bit higher than we have recently paid in CA. Shiloh was the only rescue there. The Dealers/Killers got the majority of the horses, it was very hard to watch.
But, the sale yard worked hard to make this new auction better than some of the others we have been to. All the horses had access to water and were fed hay. This is not the norm at most auctions, so we were happy to see it and we appreciate it on behalf of the horses. The auction staff was friendly and helpful to us and we thank them for that as well.
Shiloh was able to save 11 horses at a cost of $3200.00. We got some very nice adoptable riding horses, as well as a thin Arabian mare, a crippled older TB, and two older dude string types.
Here is what we were able to save:
Ciento - An older Thoroughbred gelding with horribly wrecked front legs. Looks like he had some major Suspensory Ligament injuries as well as tendon damage. He was sore at the auction and the long drive in the trailer was hard on him. He does have a racing lip tattoo. He sold for $100.00, Ciento means 100 in spanish.
Martini - approx 18 years old, thin white Arabian mare. Rideable and sound, just needs to gain her weight back. $175.00.
PB&J- 14 year old pony gelding, very cute and well broke for kids. Sold with his saddle for $400.00.
Soot- approx 21 year old QH gelding, used on ranch, sound and very gentle. Extremely sweet and kind.
Unnamed black QH gelding- approx 12 years old, used on ranch, sound and healthy. Very nice gelding.
Unnamed TB mare- run through at end of sale, saved for $260.00. Big and sound, nice disposition.
Unnamed TB gelding- big tall, used on ranch. Looks to be sound and healthy, has a racing tattoo.
Christian Bale- approx 20 years old, huge stout gelding, has some gait to him. Used on a dude string, super with little kids. Named for the Jesus fish brand on his flank! We just all called him Christian Bale for the whole auction and it has stuck!
Beenthere DoneThat- approx 20 years, big Dun gelding, nickname is Dunny. Was ridden all around sale by small boy with halter, very quiet and sweet.
Unnamed Morgan/Arab gelding, approx 12 years, used on ranch, done some cattle work at the stockyard. Great on trail. Looks to be sound and healthy.
Stealth- Big black TB gelding with an import racing tattoo. Used on trail, sound and healthy, a very nice looking true black gelding.
Jill and Sally discussing the horses
Jill, Sally, and Elisa by Stealth
Look how many horses there are.
How do you choose?
Soot. Look at his stressed expression.
QH gelding
The TB ranch gelding
Ciento's sweet face
Christian Bale (He had his saddle on all day)
The Morgan/Arab gelding
Martini, the Arab mare
The TB mare
We don't have a photo of PB&J, but I will get one.